Our Quarterly Newsletter
#1 Seller in 2022: Chester Chest 
The product that started it all, Chester Chest, was our #1 seller in 2022! Chester Chest was first created by our founder, Tom Call, in his garage after realizing the need for a realistic model in the teaching of central line care. It’s been an industry standard for over 35 years.
Chester Chest enables physicians, nurses, and patients to develop competence with the most common types of vascular access devices. Available in both light and dark skin tones, Chester Chest allows for the practice of infusion, withdrawal, securement, and dressings of multiple vascular access lines.
Extremely realistic, Chester Chest makes learning to palpate and access implanted ports simple and straightforward. Quick and easy to set up, this model can also be used to simulate accessing normal, tipping, wandering, or deeply placed IVAD placements in the left chest area. Successful access is confirmed by a “blood” return and fluid can be infused and “blood” withdrawn from all the lines.
While we don’t play “favorites” we’re touched that our very first product is still one of our most successful.
Thank You, Debbie!
Debbie is retiring this month after 14 years with VATA. She has been a valuable and dedicated
member of our production team and has painted countless Seymour butts and other wound care models over the years. Debbie is absolutely hilarious and is like the sassy aunt of the office that loves to tease everyone, but secretly we all suspect she likes us and has enjoyed her time at VATA. We are going to miss her so much, but are excited for her to enjoy her retirement, have more time with her family, and more time to spoil her dogs.
What do you enjoy most about your work?
It’s definitely gotten easier over the years. I really enjoy painting our wound care products.
Why is VATA different?
It’s a smaller company and everyone knows everyone. I love the small size and community feel.
What are you looking forward to in retirement?
Doing anything I want! My husband will keep working for a few more years, but we are looking forward to visiting family in Arizona. I’m also looking forward to time to myself.
What A Year!
Mary, Brandi, Kyle, and Andrew
IMSH (International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare)
Los Angeles, January 2022
Brandi and Andrew at Symposium on Advanced Wound Care (SAWC)
Las Vegas, October 2022
What Our Customers Have To Say
We’re always so honored to share our customers’ feedback on products.
“Thank you VATA for allowing us to test the 2365—Advanced Venipuncture Training Aid. After I examined the product, I had my lab instructors, all of whom are seasoned paramedics, review and test the device. They agreed that it would be a valuable addition to our IV training process. The next evaluation step was when we introduced its use to our new paramedic students. The trainer has shown itself to be an integral tool for them to gain tactile feel for that critical part of an IV insertion and advancement that is usually the most difficult part of the skill to teach.
The final indicator to me that the VATA training aid is effective is that our student-to-student IV access success rate is averaging 75%. Of the 6 students who have completed clinical rotations in the hospital emergency departments at this point, the average for IV access success is over 60%.
We have ordered (and just received) both a 2365 with light and dark skin colorations. I am confident that they will continue to be an essential part of our IV training regimen.”
Rod VanOrsdol, Assistant Professor, Paramedicine
Central Oregon Community College
Coming Soon: Early 2023!
Coming soon to VATA and YOU! Look for the following products in early 2023.
Wearable IV
The Wearable IV takes some of the materials and designs that we have used in some of our other IV trainers, and combines it with the ability to practice on standardized patients. This allows for a more realistic setting and for clinicians to practice putting patients at ease and asking questions while simultaneously starting an IV. This wearable product will be available in multiple skin tones and most of the parts will be replaceable. Our testers specifically liked the simplicity of it, ease of set up, durability, and overall feel.
Pediatric IO Model
Most pediatric IO access models that are currently on the market just feature the tibia and lower leg. After talking to industry professionals, we learned that the distal femur has become a primary or secondary access site. With pediatrics, the margin of error is much smaller—it’s very important that clinicians are able to practice on a smaller model that’s specific to pediatrics. To meet this training need, we wanted to offer a product that also allowed for practice on the distal femur as well as the tibia and lower leg. Our Pediatric IO was molded from a 3-year-old female and does just that. Additionally, the bones are replaceable and able to be infused and aspirated with a return.