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0980 ‘Pat’ Pressure Injury Staging Model™- In the past, healthcare providers have been taught wound care through high-quality photographs and video. ‘Pat’ Pressure Injury Staging Model™ brings wound care alive in a way that even the best of photographs cannot. The model displays the following pressure injuries (per NPUAP 2016 – National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel): Stage 1 (in both darkly and lightly pigmented skin), Stage 2, Stage 3 with undermining, tunneling and slough, a shallow Stage 4 over the malleolus with exposed bone and tendon, and an unstagable eschar/slough wound. The darkly pigmented skin section shows how different a Stage 1, blood blister and DTPI (Deep Tissue Pressure Injury) may appear depending on the skin pigmentation.

VATA’s ‘Pat’ Pressure Injury Staging Model

  • This comprehensive model displays the following pressure injuries: Stage 1, Stage 2, Stage 3 with undermining, tunneling and slough, a shallow Stage 4 over the malleolus with exposed bone and tendon, and an unstageable eschar/slough wound.
  • Allows for medical professionals to visualize and understand the differences in wounds.
Availability: Available on backorder|Estimated to ship within 1 week. Contact us if you have a firm delivery date requirement. SKU: 980 Categories: ,


0980 Pat Pressure Injury Staging Model™- A unique, compact, comprehensive and realistic model displaying the following pressure injuries (per NPUAP 2016 – National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel): Stage 1 (in both darkly and lightly pigmented skin), Stage 2, Stage 3 with undermining, tunneling and slough, a shallow Stage 4 over the malleolus with exposed bone and tendon, and an unstageable eschar/slough wound,. The darkly pigmented skin section shows how different a Stage 1, blood blister and DTPI (Deep Tissue Pressure Injury) may appear depending on the skin pigmentation. The DTPIs, have a “mushy/boggy” feel when palpated, especially helpful in darkly pigmented patients where visualization of the injury may not be sufficient. In the past, healthcare providers have been taught wound care through high-quality photographs and video. ‘Pat’ Pressure Injury Staging Model™ brings wound care alive in a way that even the best of photographs cannot. This model makes it possible to visualize and understand the differences in wounds. Great care has been taken to hand paint each wound just as they would be seen on a patient. Once the different etiologies are understood, they can be discussed and a treatment plan devised that will deliver optimized patient care. Pressure injury assessment has become critical to the operation of health agencies, as inaccurate wound assessment can affect reimbursement, cause inaccurate reporting of patient outcomes and the appearance of potential adverse events. ‘Pat’ Pressure Injury Staging Model™ is an effective tool to educate all healthcare providers, patients, families and caregivers in the identification and staging of pressure injuries. This model is also an excellent visual aid for educating those who cannot read well enough to understand basic health care information, allowing them to see what can occur without proper care. Routine cleansing and dressing changes can be taught and practiced on all the wounds. A great tool for an overview of the NPUAP staging guidelines and for training, competency testing, skills assessment and dressing techniques! Optional carry case available 0981

Shipping Weight: 5 lbs (2.3kg)
Shipping Dimensions: 14”x 11” x3” (35.6cm x27.9cm x7.6cm)
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